Your Government Failed You by Richard A. Clarke

Clarke minces no words in his examination of the breadth and depth of the mediocrity, entropy, and collapse endemic in America’s national security programs. In order for the United States to stop its string of strategic mistakes, we first need to understand why they happen. Drawing on his thirty years in the White House, Pentagon, State Department, and intelligence community, Clarke gives us a privileged, if horrifying, look into the debacle of government policies, discovering patterns in the failures and offering ways to stop the cycle once and for all.

I was surprisingly enveloped by the writing of the book. Interestingly written, imaginatively captivating, and a very hard book to put down! This book truly holds the truism, “You can’t judge a book by its cover!” Clarke, without a doubt, came out punching with this work!!

“…there is a direct relationship between people’s security, health, prosperity, and happiness and the concerted practice of good government.” ~Richaerd A. Clarke

Godspeed & Good Reads!

Doc Murf

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