Category Archives: prophecy

RE-READ: The Post-Trib, Pre-Wrath Rapture: Abridged by Roland Rassmussen

Thomas Key, Ph.D., was a pretribulationist for more than forty years. He and Dr. Rasmussen became friends when they were fellow faculty members at Bob Jones University in the 1950s. Almost half a century later, Dr. Key got Dr. Rasmussen’s phone number and called him. At the end of their conversation Dr. Rasmussen said, “Tom, I am now a posttribulationalist.” Dr. Key said, “Too bad.” Dr. Rasmussen said, “I’ll send you a copy of my book.” A short time later, Dr. Key wrote Dr. Rasmussen and said, “I read your book. You don’t leave much wiggle room. I am now a posttribulationalist.”

Dr. Kent Hovind, BRE, MRE, Ph.D., D.D., Th.D., says, “Your book, The Post-Trib, Pre-Wrath Rapture, changed my eschatology. For over 35 years I believed and taught the pre-trib doctrine without checking it out for myself. I simply trusted the ‘experts’ on the topic. Major mistake! In 2008, I was trying diligently to understand the end time events by studying Daniel and Revelation and grew sick and tired of trying to force things to fit in with my pre-trib theology. I was becoming convinced the problem was NOT the Word of God but rather with my pre-trib belief. You had given me your book when I preached at your church, but, to be honest, I never even read it because my belief about end times was settled by my teachers years before. During my struggle to make the pieces fit, I read your book and all the lights came on! This was the answer I had been praying for! I am reading your book, The Post-Trib, Pre-Wrath Rapture, for the fourth time and glean new things each time. I love it! Having read the manuscript of your new book, The Post-Trib, Pre-Wrath Rapture: Abridged, I wholeheartedly recommend your new book for everyone, saved and lost, to read and to read NOW! After many hundreds of hours of soul-searching and Scripture searching, I can endorse your post-trib, pre-wrath teaching 100%. Thank you for being faithful to God and producing this book!!!

In 1995, Dave MacPherson, author of five widely-read books, wrote the following about the author’s first book, The Post-Trib, Pre-Wrath Rapture: “The new pretrib-demolishing prophecy book by our friend Dr. Roland Rasmussen (pastor of the huge Faith Baptist Church of Canoga Park, CA who was featured in Dollar’s 1973 History of Fundamentalism) will be out soon. Having been allowed to see the manuscript, I’m sure that pretribs will not welcome it! And Tommy Ice of the Pre-Trib Research Center will freak out when he learns this new book is being published by Post-Trib Research Center!”

MacPherson wrote the following about the author’s new book, The Post-Trib, Pre-Wrath Rapture: Abridged: “When well-known pastor and author Roland Rasmussen speaks, even pre-trib rapture teachers listen! They have to listen because his magnificent book The Post-Trib, Pre-Wrath Rapture makes them speechless. Get a copy of Dr. Rasmussen’s new book (the manuscript of which I have read), The Post-Trib, Pre-Wrath Rapture: Abridged, and find out why!

Dr. R.L. Hymers, D.Min., Th.D., Litt.D., says, “Dr. Rasmussen’s book deserves a careful reading.”


No matter what you do in this life, there are certain books that you will find most useful and readable for numerous times which will grant you the ability to learn just that much more. There are few books that are this way, but this is one of those books in my opinion! Just as it is with the Bible, this book is quite full of knowledge and wisdom in the making, but in order to glean from it you must see it as “one of those books” and, therefore, you must read it again and again.

Godspeed & Good Reads!

Doc Murf

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Filed under bible, christian, eBook, Faith, prophecy

End Times Made Easy: There’s No Bad News for the Christian! by

As the world grows more volatile with looming wars, rampant pandemics, and violence in the streets, many people are wondering, Is the end near?

YES! Jesus is coming soon! But it’s wonderful news!

There is also plenty of bad news on the horizon—but not for the Christian. Jesus’ end-time agenda is to give you great hope and joy. He wants to bless you and prepare you for your destiny in these last days.

For more than 30 years, author, minister, and host of the weekly End of Days Update Joseph Morris has been awakening the Church to Jesus’ hastening return, helping believers connect the dots between Bible prophecy and current events.

In End Times Made Easy, Joseph
The simple truths in this book will empower you to run your race with joy in these last days, excited to see Jesus face to face!


I have recently finished studying the Book of Revelation and this was a great complement to that study! We are all wondering what will happen in the end, more often than not we watch the evening news and see how bad things have gotten within our society, our world, and our country (in general). The sad fact of the matter is this, all was foreseen and foretold long ago, but many do not want to be bothered about a God who is deemed to be a tyrant, in the view of those who do not believe He exists. Each and every book of the Bible points toward Jesus in some way shape or form. The Gospels and epistles all point toward Jesus, who was sent to prepare our way to heaven and prepare our hearts and souls for the end times. But we are all told that not all of mankind will be accepted into heaven!

Godspeed & Good Reads!

Doc Murf

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Filed under bible, christian, eBook, Faith, Issues, Politics, prophecy, Review, study, war

Understanding the End Times by Bob Yandian

A Last Days Play-by-Play for the Christian Countless books have been written that link current events to end-time scriptures predicting the soon return of Jesus. But too often Christians have devalued the Bible message by predicting an Antichrist who dies, or by predicting dates that come and go with no Jesus. Bob Yandian, Bible scholar and veteran pastor of more than 30 years, says the whole point is to focus on God’s unchanging plan—not news headlines. In Understanding the End Times, Bob points out that while we have every reason to believe Jesus’ coming is imminent, we need to focus on understanding God’s plan for the ages by weaving together biblical prophecies and interpreting world events in light of it. With straightforward, scriptural teaching, Bob Don’t be concerned or confused about what’s coming in the world. This teaching will make it clear that the Bible does not line up with the world—the world must line up with the Bible. Christian, look up to see that your redemption is closer than ever!


There are vast variety of differing views that explain the end times, as we read & study the Bible. This is but one more to add to the reading lists. Will we ever truly know what will happen in our future? Probably not; however, we must be willing to research the issue ourselves. Is the unknown scary? Yes, it is; but keep in mind that fear can subside if you will trust in Christ and do what you can to learn all that you possibly can. In so doing, you will better understand what is to come, as written in the Biblical text, and with the views of others we gain a better understanding of how it is to happen. Although, there are a lot of false teachers out there and con artists under the guise of ministers, priests, and prophets. The only way to understand this is to read as much as possible and compare to the text of the Bible. Will we figure it all out? NO! But we will be better prepared for what is to come than all those who refuse to believe. Also, just as with a pending accident before our eyes…we can warn all others in our path of life and help them along the way. (Of course, many of them will not listen or pay attention to our blathering, because in their eyes we are nuts, superstitious, or fools.

Godspeed & Good Reads!

Doc Murf

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Filed under bible, christian, eBook, Faith, Issues, prophecy, Religious

The Revelation Record by Henry M. Morris

Years of Bible study and research by a specialist in hydrology and geology have resulted in an excellent commentary with a scientific approach to the book of Revelation. Dr. Henry Morris, Founder of the Institute for Creation Research, believed that the book of Revelation is not just a theological treatise but an actual record of the final phases of world history.

he Revelation Record appears as a sequel to Dr. Morris’ earlier book, The Genesis Record. The book of Revelation is best understood as a sequel – the culmination of human history, which God began at Creation, as recorded in the book of Genesis. The two stand as the alpha and omega of the revelation of God’s work on earth. In both of his works, Dr. Morris has applied a scientific approach to the Scriptures, which provides an understandable and feasible view of the future.

A book that makes so many references to natural phenomena needs to be given scientific attention, as Dr. Morris, a specialist in hydrology and geology, is prepared to do. This commentary comes as the result of many years of Bible study concerning God’s purposes in the creation. The verse-by-verse treatment provides valuable scientific insights for the scholar and layman alike.

Dr. Morris believed the book of Revelation was written to show those things which are to come to pass – not to obscure them in a maze of symbols and dark sayings. His clarity of style and literal approach to the Scriptures will provide a refreshing, understandable, and devotional guide to what some have said is the most difficult book of the Bible. The narrative style, giving a literal and sequential approach to the book of Revelation, makes this commentary refreshingly easy to read. You’ll want to read on and on.


This was a phenomenal work by Dr. Henry M. Morris. I am by no means a prophetic reader of the Bible, by any stretch of the imagination. But as I mention in my writings, prophecy IS an important aspect of understanding the word of God. This book is well written and well researched and brings forth much of what was stated and foretold in the Old Testament and the Gospel writings of what Jesus had spoken to those around Him. If you are reading the Bible and you get to the Book of Revelation, Dr. Morris will help you to understand what it is talking about, This is a must have book by those who ardently study the Bible. A definite well worth the time to read and to study right alongside the Bible and other prophetic books of the Bible.

Godspeed & Good Reads!

Doc Murf

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Filed under Apologetic, bible, Books, christian, Faith, Hermenutics, prophecy

The Prophecy Knowledge Handbook by John F. Walvoord

Here’s a one-source reference book that covers all prophecies in the Bible. Everything from Genesis to Revelation, whether fulfilled or not-yet-fulfilled, each prophecy is discussed carefully, along with its various interpretations.


A truly mind opening travel through the Biblical prophecies within the entire Bible. Some explanations, others are deeply discussed, and others are gleaned over. However, this is a must have reference for your Biblical reference library, in order to truly grasp hold of the understanding you truly need. I am not a prophecy guy, so to say; however, you do need to understand some of the prophecies within the Bible in order to grasp hold of the entirety of the meaning within the Biblical context! Well worth it to read!

Godspeed & Good Reads!

Doc Murf

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