Monthly Archives: August 2020

The Story of the Jews: Finding the Words, 1000 BC – 1492 AD by Simon Schama


It is a story like no other: an epic of endurance against destruction, of creativity in oppression, joy amidst grief, the affirmation of life against the steepest of odds. It spans the millennia and the continents – from India to Andalusia and from the bazaars of Cairo to the streets of Oxford. It takes you to unimagined places: to a Jewish kingdom in the mountains of southern Arabia; a Syrian synagogue glowing with radiant wall paintings; the palm groves of the Jewish dead in the Roman catacombs. And its voices ring loud and clear, from the severities and ecstasies of the Bible writers to the love poems of wine bibbers in a garden in Muslim Spain.

And a great story unfolds. Not – as often imagined – of a culture apart, but of a Jewish world immersed in and imprinted by the peoples among whom they have dwelled, from the Egyptians to the Greeks, from the Arabs to the Christians. Which makes the story of the Jews everyone’s story, too.


Quite interesting, to say the least! I have the second volume in queue to be read to follow on. Many sources of information and many cross references with the plight of the Jewish people. The many places where they lived, as well as, the numerous other people’s among which they dwelt. Volume 1 was rather interesting and impressive.

Godspeed & Good Reads!

Doc Murf

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Filed under eBook, Faith, History, Review

“Islam 101: Perceptions, Misconceptions, and Context for the 21st Century”

Conversations in the Humanities at Edmonds College
Islam 101: Perceptions, Misconceptions, and Context for the 21st Century, David Fenner Tuesday, Apr. 7, 2015 Edmonds CC partners with Humanities Washington to bring David Fenner to speak to students about: Islam 101: Perceptions, Misconceptions, and Context for the 21st Century. Fenner will focus on encouraging greater understanding of Islam, its history, and its place in the modern world. Fenner is the Former Assistant Vice Provost for International Edducation at the University of Washington. This lecture is part of the Speakers Bureau lecture series. Speakers Bureau fosters inquiring minds through engaging conversations about history, culture, geopolitical issues, and more. For more information, visit Humanities Washington sparks conversation and critical thinking using story as a catalyst, nurturing thoughtful and engaged communities across the state.

An interesting view of the Islamic culture from someone who has resided over in the Middle East. Interesting and informative and worth the time to hear what he has to say.

Godspeed & Veritable Views!

Doc Murf


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Filed under Education, History, Issues

Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science by Kent Heckenlively, Judy Mikovits


Dr. Judy Mikovits is a modern-day Rosalind Franklin, a brilliant researcher shaking up the old boys’ club of science with her groundbreaking discoveries. And like many women who have trespassed into the world of men, she uncovered decades-old secrets that many would prefer to stay buried.

From her doctoral thesis, which changed the treatment of HIV-AIDS, saving the lives of millions, including basketball great Magic Johnson, to her spectacular discovery of a new family of human retroviruses, and her latest research which points to a new golden age of health, Dr. Mikovits has always been on the leading edge of science.

With the brilliant wit one might expect if Erin Brockovich had a doctorate in molecular biology, Dr. Mikovits has seen the best and worst of science. When she was part of the research community that turned HIV-AIDS from a fatal disease into a manageable one, she saw science at its best. But when her investigations questioned whether the use of animal tissue in medical research were unleashing devastating plagues of chronic diseases, such as autism and chronic fatigue syndrome, she saw science at its worst. If her suspicions are correct, we are looking at a complete realignment of scientific practices, including how we study and treat human disease.

Recounting her nearly four decades in science, including her collaboration of more than thirty-five years with Dr. Frank Ruscetti, one of the founders of the field of human retrovirology, this is a behind the scenes look at the issues and egos which will determine the future health of humanity.


This was an eye opening book, at very least. It may just make you very leery of both governmental entities and big pharma corporations, even to the cusp of being a “conspiracy theorist.” But that is a chance you will have to take. Many governmental documents that were declassified back in the 1980s by the Reagan Administration turned me toward that, just a tad. Nothing surprises me and I have grown to respect authority, but trust them is another thing…this book just solidifies that mind set.

Godspeed & Good Reads!

Doc Murf

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Filed under Books, Education, History, Issues, Politics, Review

“Understanding Islam” series by Prof. Matthew Davies

Part 1

This is the first lecture of “Understanding Islam,” held at Trinity Lutheran Church in Dallas, Oregon, on January 10, 2016.

Part 2

This is the second lecture of my “Understanding Islam” series. This lecture was given at Trinity Lutheran Church in Dallas, Oregon, on January 17, 2016. Session 2 was an examination of what the Qur’an says about violence and how mainstream Islam interprets Qur’anic verses used by Islamic extremists groups, such as ISIS and al-Qaeda, to justify their terrorism.

Part 3

This is the third and final lecture in my series “Understanding Islam.” This lecture was given at Trinity Lutheran Church in Dallas, Oregon, on January 24, 2016. This final lecture focused on American Muslims, American Muslim political and social engagement, interfaith dialogue, Muslim condemnation of terrorism, the Sunni and Shia split, and Sharia law.


An impressive presentation on Islam and a bit of enlightening to those of us who claim much ignorance on the subject matter of this religion. We all may not agree with the Islamic religion or culture, but we can all at least be informed of it’s word and understanding of their ways. Some history, background information, and some details. We can all use a better education on all things.

Godspeed & Veritable Views!

Doc Murf

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Filed under Documentary, Education, History, Issues, Review

Healthy Brain, Happy Life: A Personal Program to to Activate Your Brain and Do Everything Better by Wendy Suzuki, Billie Fitzpatrick


A neuroscientist transforms the way we think about our brain, our health, and our personal happiness in this clear, informative, and inspiring guide—a blend of personal memoir, science narrative, and immediately useful takeaways that bring the human brain into focus as never before, revealing the powerful connection between exercise, learning, memory, and cognitive abilities.

Nearing forty, Dr. Wendy Suzuki was at the pinnacle of her career. An award-winning university professor and world-renowned neuroscientist, she had tenure, her own successful research lab, prestigious awards, and international renown.

That’s when to celebrate her birthday, she booked an adventure trip that forced her to wake up to a startling reality: despite her professional success, she was overweight, lonely, and tired and knew that her life had to change.  Wendy started simply—by going to an exercise class. Eventually, she noticed an improvement in her memory, her energy levels, and her ability to work quickly and move from task to task easily. Not only did Wendy begin to get fit, but she also became sharper, had more energy, and her memory improved.  Being a neuroscientist, she wanted to know why.

What she learned transformed her body and her life. Now, it can transform yours.

Wendy discovered that there is a biological connection between exercise, mindfulness, and action. With exercise, your body feels more alive and your brain actually performs better.  Yes—you can make yourself smarter. In this fascinating book, Suzuki makes neuroscience easy to understand, interweaving her personal story with groundbreaking research, and offering practical, short exercises—4 minute Brain Hacks—to engage your mind and improve your memory, your ability to learn new skills, and function more efficiently.

Taking us on an amazing journey inside the brain as never before, Suzuki helps us unlock the keys to neuroplasticity that can change our brains, or bodies, and, ultimately, our lives.


An interesting way to look at and think about your brain and how better to use it to your advantage. We all have heard that “you can’t teach and old dog new tricks.” But that is not true. It may take longer, for those of us who are “youth challenged,” BUT it is not impossible! Whether you are young or “youth challenged,” you can use this book to guide yourself to seek new heights in your life. So long as there is time on the clock, the game is not over! (More personally, so long as there is breath in your lungs and your heart is still beating…your life is not over! You have more you can do!)

Godspeed & Good Reads!

Doc Murf

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Filed under eBook, Education, Issues, Reading, Review, Science

Loving My Actual Life: An Experiment in Relishing What’s Right in Front of Me by Alexandra Kuykendall


In a world of comparison and discontent, it can feel impossible to be happy with life as we know it. Other people seem to have it all together, to be finding success, to be having more fun. But we weren’t meant for a life characterized by dissatisfaction.

In this entertaining and relatable book, Alexandra Kuykendall chronicles her nine-month experiment to rekindle her love of her ordinary “actual” life. After wiping her calendar as clean as a mother of four can, Kuykendall focuses on one aspect of her life each month, searching for ways to more fully enjoy her current season. By intentionally adding one thing each month that will make her jump for joy, she provides a practical challenge women can easily replicate. With humor, poignancy, and plenty of personal stories, Kuykendall weaves together spiritual themes and practical application into a holy self-awareness, showing women how a few small changes in their routines can improve their enjoyment of this crazy-busy life.


The account of one who, through experimentation and journaling, sought to find a way to love her ordinary life. There are some really good tips throughout this book that we can use to reconnect to our “ordinary life.” After all, if we do not love ourselves, how can someone else love us? An how can we love ourselves if we do not love, let alone like, our own life? Consider this as one book to read for some good tips and ideas to reacquaint yourself with your life.

Godspeed & Good Reads!

Doc Murf

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Filed under eBook, Issues, Reading, Review

The Kent Hovind Creation Seminar


Immerse yourself in learning about creation science with this 7-DVD Creation seminar from creation authority Dr. Kent Hovind. Uncover the Big Bang theory; trace the biblical and historic references to the co-existence of dinosaurs and people; learn about the dangers of evolution and even sit in on a question-and-answer seminar! You’ll find your eyes wide open after 17 hours of listening to Kent Hovind’s blend of science and Scripture. Seven DVDs in plastic case.

CD topics include:


  • Age of the Earth
  • The Garden of Eden
  • Dinosaurs and the Bible
  • Lies in the Textbooks
  • The Dangers of Evolution
  • The Hovind Theory
  • Questions and Answers


By the time your read this post, I will have finished listening/watching this seminar series. As of this writing I am at the beginning of seminar 4. I have found, thus far that this seminar is…AWESOME…Kent Hovind pulls no punches. He has very good, if not excellent, arguments for his positions on various subjects concerning the teachings of the Bible. This is a great series to watch with your family and friends. Perfect for studies of the Bible, overall.

This is well worth the time for all to watch, and re-watch…many times! As both an aid in teaching, as well as learning, and a reminder of those teachings which have been lost or averted from by so many others.

Godspeed & Veritable Views!

Doc Murf


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Filed under Apologetic, bible, christian, Course, Education, Faith, History, Interview, Issues, Review, Science, study, Technology

Blitzkrieg: From the Ground Up by Niklas Zetterling


An examination of the German Blitzkrieg operations from Poland to Operation Barbarossa, as experienced by junior commanders and enlisted men, exploring why they were so successful.

The successes of the German Blitzkrieg in 1939-41 were as surprising as they were swift. Allied decision-makers wanted to discover the secret to German success quickly, even though only partial, incomplete information was available to them. The false conclusions drawn became myths about the Blitzkrieg that have lingered for decades.

It has been argued that German victories in the early part of the war rested less upon newly developed tanks and aircraft and more on German military traditions: rather than creating a new way of war based on new technology, the Germans fitted the new weapons into their existing ideas on warfare. These doctrines focused on independent action, initiative, flexibility, decentralized decision-making and mobility. The conduct of German soldiers, particularly the lower-ranking men, on the battlefield was at the core of the concept and German victories rested upon the quality of the small combat units.

This book focuses on the experience of the enlisted men and junior officers in the Blitzkrieg operations in Poland, Norway, Western Europe and Russia. Using accounts previously unpublished in English, military historian Niklas Zetterling explores how they operated, for example how a company commander led his tanks, how a crew worked together inside a tank, and the role of the repair services. The author fits these narratives into a broader perspective to give the reader a better understanding of why the Germans were so successful in 1939-41.


An unbelievable account of how Hitler’s Blitzkrieg was accomplished, which was the impetus of the Second World War. An intriguing account of what happened, how it occurred, and the various problems that ensued. This is an interesting book, if you are fond of the WWII time period and is well worth the time to read.

Godspeed & Good Reads!

Doc Murf

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Filed under eBook, History, Issues, war